Service of Excellence

In the commercial sphere, we are hardly sure who we are interacting with, but certainly we will always be evaluated. Customer feedback will vary as they may view the experience as positive or negative, professional or otherwise.

Having excellence in customer service means relating to consumers effectively, helping to solve their problems so that they achieve the desired results.

The objective is to add value and create connections with them, so that they become loyal and recommend it to other people. As Philip Kotler once said – “an unsatisfied customer tells 11 other people about his negative experience”. Currently, with social networks, I believe that this scale can be much greater and the impact on the company’s image can be devastating.

Whenever I go shopping, when I see employees doing excellent customer service, I give them my contact details so they can contact me if they ever need help finding a job. People are often surprised by this gesture. I like to meet people who truly appreciate their work and have a passion for what they do, as I believe that this kind of attitude will only bring good results in the long run.

Although several companies see this area as a cost and not as an investment, others are already starting to ask for evaluations of their services, via telephone, in person or digitally. Others even implement mystery shopper actions to assess the level of professionalism of their employees.

While this assessment may or may not have any significant consequences, I truly believe that we should always do our best work, as clients deserve it and we owe it to ourselves as professionals.

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