Quiz Knower™

Knower™ IT Academy launched a quiz to determine the most sought after profiles and training in the IT sector.

With the aim of offering the IT market solutions that meet real training needs, Knower™ launched in February a fun quiz that under the motto “what kind of nerd are you!” intends to assess the most sought after profiles and training courses in the information technology sector.

We believe that knowledge is the biggest investment that anyone can make and we are confident that to provide the best results, continuous training is essential.

At Knower™ we develop training academies in the IT sector in specific areas of activity. Our daily mission is to continue to provide our trainees and the market with training solutions that correspond to real needs.

We know, from our experience, that in many cases those who seek these academies want to specialize in a certain area or, on the other hand, want to change course and see in this rapidly growing sector the change of life they want. It was with both cases in mind that a team made up of industry professionals, recruitment and psychology teams developed a task force to create a fun game capable of identifying profile trends and respective professional skills.

Inês Carreira, Business Manager at Knower™, says that “this initiative by Knower™ aims to give people the necessary tools and encourage them to pursue their dreams and meet their vocations. Putting people in the job market doing what they like and facing everyday life with a smile on their face!

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